I. Pamphlet- Studying the Risk Assessment Tood
The Professional Bondsmen of Texas has released a series of pamphlets intended to allow you to educate yourself regarding various issues related to Bail Reform. The mose recent pamphlet summarizes the verious research regarding whether risk assessments should be a part of bail reform or criminal justice reform. In reviewing these studies, it is clear that they have all come to the same conclusion that risk assessments should not be part of bail reform and as some stated risk assessments should not be used. You can see the pamphlet by CLICKING HERE.
II. Pamphlet- Overview of the Issues
The first pamphlet in the series outlined the various issues that a state or county may expect to arise. This pamphlet is intended to educate readers as an overview of the issues and can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
II. Pamphlet- Failed Bail Reform
The second pamphlet in the series outlines the various jurisdictions that attempted bail reform and the failures of such reforms. For example, Alaska passed numerous reforms and immediately determined that they caused an increase in crime and jeopardized public safety. Therefore, Alaska repealed many of the reforms it initiated. The second pamphlet can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
III. Pamphlet No. 3- Researching the Risk Assessment Tool
The third pamphlet contains a compilation of the most recent studies that addresses the use of “Risk Assessments.” Previously championed by many advocates for change, the last few years have seen erosion in their support for risk assessments. Now many of the groups and individuals who initially supported risk assessments oppose their use. Further, the most recent scholarly research on the topic have consistently come to the same conclusion that risk assessments should not be used.
- Over 100 civil rights groups released a statement opposing the use of risk assessments;
- A group of leading technology companies have voiced concerns about using these tools in the criminal justice system.
- The research concludes that the algorithmic prediction has the potential to amplify social inequity.
- Kentucky found that after the implementation of the Arnold Foundation PSA failures to appear increased 24% and the fugitive rate increased 20%.
The Summary of Risk Assessment Studies can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE.
Update- Since releaseing this pamphlet- The Pretrial Justice Institute has issued a statement stating that it was wrong to support the use of Risk Assessments and now opposes their use.
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