AG Paxton Speaks Out Against Harris County Bail System


AG Pax­ton Files State­ment Oppos­ing Unjust, Blan­ket Bail Sys­tem in Houston

“This consent decree is at odds with Texas law, the proper role of the judiciary, and the obligation to protect the people of Texas from violent criminals.”

With no input from the Supreme Court of Texas or the Texas Legislature, the proposed consent decree would eliminate the ability of judges in Harris County to make case-by-case determinations regarding the proper bail for most criminal defendants, raising serious federalism and separation-of-powers concerns. 

“Not only is releasing criminals without individualized consideration of the circumstances of the offense or their criminal history completely contrary to Texas law, it presents serious dangers to public safety,” Attorney General Paxton said. “This consent decree is at odds with Texas law, the proper role of the judiciary, and the obligation to protect the people of Texas from violent criminals.”

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